Students may add a course to their schedule by using the Webreg system Instructions for the Webreg system may be found on that site.
Students may add a course to their schedule from the start of registration until the Last Day to Add a Course for the term of that particular course. See the Summer Session Calendar for deadlines. Courses added after the start of the course will require the instructor’s permission before the registration will be processed.
Some courses are listed as “by permission of instructor” and will require a Special Permission Number to process the registration. Special Permission Numbers for a course are available either from the instructor or from the academic department of the course, and must be entered into Webreg at the time of registration.
If a Rutgers student does not have the appropriate academic background on their transcript to meet the pre-requisite requirements of a course, the student will need to complete a Pre-requisite Override Form and submit it to the Camden One Stop Center in order to register for the course. Non-Rutgers students attending in Summer will not have to do this.
If a course is closed due to maximum enrollment, students may contact the instructor for permission to add beyond the stop point. Instructors may accept or refuse students at their discretion and depending on limitations of space, equipment or safety rules. Permission is granted to students in the form of a Special Permission Number that the student may then use to register for the course using Webreg. Verbal or email permission, or signed forms will not be accepted to register beyond the stop point of a course. Rutgers at this time does not maintain any waiting lists for courses or labs.
The bill for all courses for which the student is currently registered is due at the earliest due date. For example, if a student is registered for a three credit first session course and a three credit second session course, the bill for six credits is due at the due date for the first session. To stagger payments, the student would need to stagger their registrations, making sure to pay for one course before attempting to register for the next.
Please note – if a student drops a section of a course and receives a “W” grade for that section, the student will not be able to use Webreg to add another section of the same course later in the summer. Contact the Summer Session Office for assistance in resolving this situation.
Students may drop a course from their schedule using the Webreg system Instructions for the Webreg system may be found on that site. NOT PAYING FOR A CLASS DOES NOT DROP THE COURSE! Withdrawing from a course must be actively done otherwise you will be responsible for payment and will receive a grade. Please pay careful attention to the deadlines regarding refunds and academic penalty on the Summer Session Calendar. Any refund due for a dropped or withdrawn course will be processed by the Student Accounting Office in seven to ten business days in the form of a check, which will be held at the Student Accounting Office until the student contacts them with instructions. The Student Accounting Office may be contacted at for more information regarding refunds.
Courses dropped by the “Last Day to Drop with 100% Refund” deadline will not appear on the student’s transcript and will receive a full refund of tuition. Courses dropped after the “Last Day to Drop with 100% Refund” deadline will appear as a “W” on the student’s transcript, and will be refunded according to the Summer Session Calendar. A “W” grade does not affect the student’s GPA and does count toward credits attempted, but not toward credits completed.
Courses withdrawn after the Last Day to Drop a Course will receive a “W” grade and may not be done with webreg. Instead an email must be sent to the Summer Office ( Written communication must include the student’s name, RUID, the course information (title and course number), and that the student wishes to withdraw from the course. The effective date of the transaction will be when the Summer Session Office receives the communication, not by when it was sent.
Changes to the student’s total number of credits may affect their eligibility for Financial Aid, Veteran’s Benefits, or other Aid. Consult with the Financial Aid officer, Veteran’s Affairs Office, or academic advisor for information about how dropping (or adding) a course might affect the student’s status.
Students may change their Summer Session registration from one course to another (or one section of a course to another) using the Webreg system through the end of the ADD/DROP period. Instructions for the Webreg system may be found on that site. Students should, in general, DROP first and then ADD, to avoid problems with reaching course load maximums. The normal rules for Dropping and Adding detailed above apply. Adding a new section of a course for which a student is already registered will automatically drop the original section.
Course changes made during the ADD/DROP period as indicated on the Summer Session Calendar will need to be done by written communication to the Summer Session Office or at the One Stop Center and may require permission from the instructor.
Because of the intense nature of Summer Session courses, students may carry no more than one credit per one week during the summer without special permission. Taking more than a total of 12 credits over the entire summer is considered an academic overload. Credits taken at other Rutgers University campuses also count toward the credit total for purposes of determining an overload.
It is generally recommended that students overload only with courses they are already academically strong in. Doing overloads to raise GPA, or with repeat-option courses is strongly discouraged.
Workforce students, students on academic probation, and High School students are not permitted to take academic overloads.
For permission on overloads, students should contact their Advising Office. Processed overload forms should be submitted to the One Stop Center.
For enrollment status requirements for Financial Aid, please see the Office of Financial Aid website at
Auditing a Course
Full-time Rutgers students may audit a course by obtaining permission of the instructor and subject to space availability in the course. No academic credit is earned in this manner, and audited courses do not appear on the student’s transcript. There are no charges for audited courses, and students are not required to complete the final exam. Online courses may not be audited. Senior citizens (those over 65 years) that are residents of New Jersey are also eligible to audit courses. Students should submit a hard copy registration form to the Summer Session Office to indicate their intention to take a course under the Audit Option.
Pass/No Credit Option
Rutgers students and alumni who have completed at least 63 credits may be permitted to register for a maximum of one course in the summer, outside the general curricular and major/minor requirements, for credit on a Pass/No Credit basis. Permission must be obtained from the instructor and the Summer Session Office. The course is graded Pass (equivalent to an A, B, or C) or No Credit (equivalent to a D or F). The course grants degree credits toward graduation if the student passes, but does not affect the cumulative grade-point average whether the student passes or fails. The course must be designated as Pass/No Credit at the time of registration by entering a P in the course prefix area on the registration form, and this cannot be changed once the course has started. The course incurs all costs and fees as usual, and the student is expected to attend all classes and do all assigned work, including the final exam.
Certain courses within Rutgers University do not carry college credit, but count toward the number of credits taken for attendance and billing purposes. They are indicated in the course listings by an “N” preceding the number of credits (Cr.N3), and by a note within the course text. Rutgers students registering for these courses should indicate an “N” in the Course Prefix field when filling out the the registration forms. Occasionally a special permission number is required to drop these sections – contact the Summer Session Office for more information.
Repeat Option
Rutgers students may re-take a course in which they have received a grade of D or less in a course. The student may elect to re-take the course, paying for and attending the course normally. Upon completion, only the better of the two grades will be figured into the student’s GPA, though both courses will appear on the transcript, and the student will only receive degree credit for the course once. Not all courses are eligible for the repeat option – see you academic advisor for more information regarding this option. When registering for a course under this option, enter an “R” in the Course Prefix field.