Tuition and Fees

Please note that tuition for the Summer Session is charged based on the course that the student is taking, not the school from which the student comes. So, for example, an undergraduate school of business student taking an MBA course would be charged MBA tuition, even if the student was planning on applying the credit to an undergraduate program.

Undergraduate Tuition and Fees 

School Residency Cost Per Credit
Arts and Sciences (Unit 50) NJ Resident $459
Arts and Sciences (Unit 50) Non-Resident $1,096
Business (Unit 52) NJ Resident $473
Business (Unit 52) Non-Resident $1,096
Nursing (Unit 57) NJ Resident $553
Nursing (Unit 57) Non-Resident $1,067

Graduate Tuition and Fees 

School/Program Residency Cost Per Credit
Graduate School (Unit 56) NJ Resident $859
Graduate School (Unit 56) Non-Resident $1,415
MBA (Unit 53) NJ Resident $1,126
MBA (Unit 53) Non-Resident $1,906
Graduate Nursing (Unit 58) NJ Resident $991
Graduate Nursing (Unit 58) Non-Resident $1,444
Law School (Unit 24) NJ Resident $1,218
Law School (Unit 24) Non-Resident $1,845

Other Fees 

Other Fees Cost
Student Fee (once per summer) $162

Fully Online Programs

(refers to students enrolled in the fully online programs, not individually taken online courses)

School Tuition and Fees Cost Per Credit
Undergraduate School of Business (Unit 52) Fully On-line Tuition $640.00
MBA School of Business (Unit 53) Fully On-line Tuition $1,313.00
Graduate School (Unit 56) Fully On-line Tuition $1,047.00

NOTE: Rutgers University staff cannot use their tuition remission benefits to pay for the fully on-line UG or MBA degree courses and programs. RU Staff will need to pay for these courses out of pocket.



Payment Options and Instructions

PLEASE NOTE: Rutgers has a paperless billing system. No hard copy bills will be generated or mailed. Bills may be viewed on the website If you do not know your RUID or PAC, instructions for obtaining that information are linked directly next to the login box. Full online payment instructions may be viewed at Payment may be made either in person at the Cashier’s Office (phone 856-225-6021; FAX 856-225-6017; located at 311 North Fifth St, Armitage Hall First Floor), or through several remote means. Cash will be accepted only in person at the Cashier’s Office. Payment may be otherwise made via the website, by check, or by credit card. For more information regarding payment plans, please contact the Student Accounting Office at

  • WEBSITE: payment may be done via the Student Accounting Website for students who have a Rutgers ID. To determine you RUID and Personal Access Code, see the links next to the login box. Students may either use a Credit Card or an E-Check for payment. Please note that there are additional fees for using Credit Cards for payment (see Credit Card Payments below).
  • CHECKS: should be made payable to Rutgers, The State University, and should include the student’s RUID and phone number on the check. Payment must be made either in person at the Cashier’s Office or by mail to the Student Accounting Office before deadlines (see Calendar). If the payment is mailed, it should include with the check a printed copy of the online bill. The date on which the cashier receives the bill payment is the effective date of payment. Postmark dates will NOT be considered as payment dates. Returned checks incur a $50 late fee (note that is different than the standard $125 late fee) and a $10 return check fee. Payment must be made in full by the due date.
  • CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS: for the student bill may only be made via the Student Accounting Website. You also may NOT mail or FAX credit card information. Credit Card Payments will be assessed an additional, non-refundable fee of 2.45% of the amount paid with the card. We accept American Express, Mastercard, Visa, and Discover.
  • FINANCIAL AID/STUDENT LOANS: Financial Aid is not normally available independently for just the Summer Session, but may be drawn from either Fall or Spring awards or as part of a year-long package. Student Loans may be available – please contact Financial Aid for more information at 856-225-6039. PLEASE NOTE: receiving your award letter does NOT pay your bill – you must still submit the bill and designate the funds to pay the Summer Session balance. This does not automatically happen upon receiving the award notice. The Financial Aid Office is located in the first floor of Armitage Hall, phone (856)225-6039.
  • PAYMENT PLAN: Rutgers-Camden does offer a variety of payment plan options for Summer. There is an enrollment fee of $50, and payments can be spread out from two to five payments. Full information on the payment plan, including enrollment information, at the website


Read this carefully! This policy will be strictly observed.
To receive a full refund of tuition and the refundable portion of the Summer Session Student Fee (late fees are not refundable), students must cancel their registration either through the Webreg system or in writing prior to the Last Day to Drop classes. If the Webreg system is unable to withdraw you from the class, then the withdrawal must be performed in writing. It is the student’s responsibility to verify that the class has been deleted from their schedule. Signed withdrawal forms must be turned into the One Stop Center in order to be processed.

A 100% tuition refund is only available until the date indicated on the Calendar. On the first day of the course charges for the course will occur and a 100% refund will not be granted. After the Last Day to Drop, a “W” will appear on their transcript and the student will be refunded either 50% if they withdraw by that deadline or no refund after that deadline. Because of this it is strongly advised that the student contact the instructor with any questions regarding schedule, workload, or other issues before the course starts. Contact information for the instructor is listed with each course section.

No refund will be granted after those dates. NO WITHDRAWAL WILL BE PERMITTED DURING THE LAST CALENDAR WEEK OF ANY CLASS (courses that run for only one week will be under the discretion of the Summer Session Office).

Refunds are processed by the Student Accounting Office as a check and take approximately seven to ten business days. The check will be mailed to the permanent address on file.  Students may reach the Student Accounting Office at for additional information or for other questions at the One Stop Camden.  You may also call at (856)225-6021.